Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting Week 11 #1

Companion Meeting Week 11 #1

Consider the following questions and/or discussion topics in your group:

  1. What is the difference between outward changes or corrections and “metabolic transformation?”
  2. Based on 2 Corinthians 3:16 and the outline, what are the veils that may lie on our hearts?
  3. Which verse indicates that the renewing of our inner man corresponds to the decaying of our outer man?
  4. What is the difference between transformation and conformation? What are some key verses that mention conformation?
  5. What does it mean to be conformed to the image of God’s firstborn Son?
  6. What is glorification?
Posted by Andrew Carton in Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting Week 10 #2

Companion Meeting Week 10 #2

Consider the following questions and/or discussion topics in your group:

  1. What does it mean to be “renewed in our spiritual life?”
  2. What does it mean to be “fashioned according to this age?” Which verse in the New Testament speaks about this? How can we avoid being fashioned according to this age?
  3. How does the renewing of the mind issue in transformation?
  4. What does it mean to be “renewed in the mind?”
  5. How can we practically experience the renewing of the mind?
Posted by Andrew Carton in Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting Week 10 #1

Companion Meeting Week 10 #1

Consider the following questions and/or discussion topics in your group:

  1. What is our disposition? Define “dispositional” in the context of sanctification.
  2. What is the difference between positional sanctification and dispositional sanctification?
  3. What are some practical ways we can partake of the holy nature of God?
  4. How does dispositional sanctification imply transformation? Which verses confirm this?
  5. Which verse shows that dispositional sanctification is the fulfillment of God’s purpose in choosing the believers? Explain how this verse shows this.
Posted by Andrew Carton in Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting Week 9 #2

Companion Meeting Week 9 #2

Consider the following questions and/or discussion topics in your group:

  1. What is the second step of God’s organic salvation?
  2. What is the first thing the Shepherd does for us based on Psalm 23?
  3. What does it mean that shepherding includes feeding? Which verses support this?
  4. Why is the Lord as our Shepherd so concerned for our eating?
  5. Consider your experience with the Lord and share with one another a time when the Lord cared for you as the Shepherd.
Posted by Andrew Carton in Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting Week 9 #1

Companion Meeting Week 9 #1

Consider the following questions in your group:

  1. What is the scriptural meaning of regeneration? Which verses in the New Testament mention regeneration?
  2. Why is regeneration the center of God’s entire salvation?
  3. Where does regeneration fit in God’s organic salvation?
  4. What is the means through which we are regenerated? What verse or verses mention this?
  5. Which verse in the New Testament mentions “the washing of regeneration?”
Posted by Andrew Carton in Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting Week 8 #2

Companion Meeting Week 8 #2

Consider the following questions in your group:

(Please use reference verses to enlighten and supply you)

1. What is justification and what is the main thing we should be impressed with concerning justification?
2. How are we justified (include a basis and a way)?
3. What is reconciliation and why does man need to be reconciled to God?
4. How did Christ’s death reconcile us to God?
5. What is positional sanctification? Share your experiences of being positionally sanctified.

Posted by Andrew Carton in Companion Meetings

Companion Meeting Week 8 #1

Companion Meeting Week 8 #1

Consider the following questions in your group:

(Please use reference verses to enlighten and supply you)

1. Review the meanings of judicial and redemption with one another.
2. What is the price that God paid for us?
3. How is God able to forgive man righteously?
4. How does God’s way of forgiving differ from our way?
5. What is the difference between forgiveness and cleansing? How do we receive both? Have you enjoyed being forgiven and cleansed?

Posted by Andrew Carton in Companion Meetings